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FALLEN TIMBERS 1794, The US Armys First Victory
Product Code: 703503
Availability: 10
Price: $25.00
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FALLEN TIMBERS 1794, The US Armys First Victory by John F Walker, illustrated by Peter Dennis. After the Ohio Indians destroyed the US Army at Wabash in 1791, the Washington administration created a new US Army to defeat them. The famous Revolutionary War commander Major-General Mad Anthony Wayne organized & trained a new army and led it into the Ohio Wilderness in 1794. To defeat the Indians, he had to overcome logistical and intelligence problems, and also a conspiracy of officers and contractors led by his principal subordinate, and threatened opposition by British and Spanish forces. On August 20, 1794, Wayne defeated the Indians at Fallen Timbers. His victory led to the treaty of Greeneville, which ended the 20 years of conflict. 703503
