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Product Code: 702381
Availability: 9999
Price: $17.50
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by Bob Bearor. Softbound, 95 pages, 5" x 8". On the afternoon of March 13, 1758, in the snow-covered Adirondack Mountains near Fort Ticonderoga, the famous Captain Robert Rogers and his New England Rangers lay waiting in ambush. They never expected the punishing defeat they were about to suffer at the hands of the capable and underrated French partisan leader, Langis (Langy). This original work tells the story of the Battle on Snowshoes from a new perspective. The author, an experienced Adirondack hunting guide and a French partisan re-enactor, based this book on actual field experience as well as the usual book research. Bob Bearor trekked over the sites in period clothing and equipment, made countless camps throughout the hills (even in minus 20o weather), searched out travel routes, and tried to substantiate the times and conditions recorded in journal entries. He even relived the day of the battle exactly as recorded in Rogers own journal. In this way, he has been able to separate fact from fiction as accurately as possible. See our video section for the coresponding video.