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HANDWOVEN TAPE, Understanding and Weaving Early American and Contemporary Tape
Product Code: 703553
Availability: 10
Price: $24.99
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HANDWOVEN TAPE, Understanding and Weaving Early American and Contemporary Tape.  by Susan Faulkner Weaver. Hardbound, 208 pages, 7” x 10”. Narrow bands of woven tape were important to Americans in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, before the days of elastic and zippers. Here’s the fascinating American history of handwoven tape, along with patterns and instructions to enable today’s weavers to make it. Step-by-step instructions help you to set up a tape loom with warp threads, and to weave your own tape. You can use your tape in the tape practical ways our fore bearers did or more contemporary uses. Full color photos throughout show historic examples of tape and tools used in its production, the steps taken to produce your own tape and modern completed projects and ideas.  No. 703553
