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Product Code: 703588
Availability: 10
Price: $22.00
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THE BAYONET by Bill Harriman. Softbound, 7”x10”, 80 pages. Although muskets delivered devastating projectiles at comparatively long ranges, their slow rate of fire left the soldier vulnerable while reloading, and early muskets were useless for close-quarter fighting. Consequently, European infantry regiments of the 17th century were composed of both musketeers and pikemen, who protected the musketeers while loading but also formed the shock component for close-quarter combat. The development of the flintlock musket produced a much less cumbersome and faster-firing firearm. When a short knife was stuck into its muzzle, every soldier could be armed with a missile weapon as well as one that could be used for close combat. The only disadvantage was that the musket could not be loaded or fired while the plug bayonet was in place. The socket bayonet solved this problem and the musket/bayonet combination became the universal infantry weapon from c.1700 to c.1870. No. 703588