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Product Code: 703624
Availability: 10
Price: $24.95
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THE HUNGRY GHOST BREAD BOOK, An Offbeat Bakery’s Guide to Crafting Sourdough Loaves, Flatbreads, Crackers, Scones and More  by Jonathan Stevens. Softbound, 194 pages. Sourdough, declares Stevens, is not a style of bread. It is bread. The sourdough starter—the microbial community used to inoculate bread dough—transforms flour into something truly digestible by humans, unlocking the nutrients that are otherwise inaccessible. Stevens’s unique approach to working with sourdough can be summed up by three tenets, each of which begins with “more.” More hydration, more fermentation, and more heat in the oven.
Inside these pages, you’ll find tools, techniques, insights, short-cuts, ingredients, warnings, and a handful of haikus. You’ll find instructions for creating and nurturing your own sourdough starter, as well as formulas for a variety of loaves, flatbreads, crackers, folds, scones, bagels, and more.            No.  703624
